Willard Words
Bibliophile – a person who loves or collects books, especially as examples of fine or unusual printing, binding, or the like.
Billingsgate – Loud, raucous profanity.
Bloviate – To speak pompously or brag.
Blunderbuss – A gun with a flared muzzle or disorganized activity.
Borborygm – A rumbling of the stomach.
Boustrophedon – A back and forth pattern. Brouhaha – An uproar.
Bumbershoot – An umbrella.
Canoodle – To hug and kiss.
Cantankerous – Testy, grumpy.
Cockalorum – A small, haughty man.
Cockamamie – Absurd, outlandish.
Codswallop – Nonsense, balderdash.
Collywobbles – Butterflies in the stomach.
Comeuppance – Just reward, just deserts.
Convivial – Friendly; agreeable, jovial.
Crapulence – Discomfort from eating or drinking too much.
Discombobulate – To confuse.
Donnybrook – An melee, a riot.
Dudgeon – A bad mood, a huff.
Loquacious - Talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous:
Purveyor - A person who purveys, provides, or supplies: